February 16, 2017 – 6 PM,
Celebrated at Sasana Par La Monastery Upper Floor, Kin Won Min
Kyi Monastery Compound, Mahar Aung Myal Township in Mandalay City.
Mizzima Gone Yee Abbot and Maw Kyun Tipitaka Abbot came together
with Ma Ba Tha chairman Abbot. They also came for War So Sayartawphagyi
Funeral. Ywar Ma Abbot was delivered the doctrine after Ma Ba Tha families from
Mandalay worshipped with Aww Kar Tha Kan Taut Choe to Ywar Ma Abbot. Continue,
Shwe Ya Tu Tipitaka Maw Kyun Abbot was delivered the doctrine. This is the
first time receiving doctrine from Ywar Ma Abbot for Mandalay Ma Ba Tha
families. The doctrine have essence and worship to Ywar Ma Abbot is also