Monday, February 27, 2017

16th Blood Donation Ceremony of Parami Pyo Khin Blood Donation Group

Parami Pyo Khin blood donation group who founded by Ven Wisatetar Bi Won Tha A Shin Wirathu (Ma Soe Yein), Patron Abbot of Dhamma Thar Har Ya Monastery, New Ma Soe Yein, Mahar Aung Myal Township, Mandalay City, will celebrate blood donation charity at Min Kone Ma Har Monastery, Kan Oo place, Kyauk Se. So anyone can join for blood donating charity.
And we will gave present to blood donors. The presents are Ashin Wira Thu's preaching DVDs, vitamins and pens.
After blood donation ceremony, Ashin Wira Thu will preached sermon about the merit of the blood donation for the people who donated blood.

Date     -           March 3, 2017 (Tuesday)
Place    -           Pyi Lone Ant Chapel, Malarkar Chan Quarter, Mahar Aung Myay Township, Mandalay
Time     -           7 am – 12 pm,

Daw Myint                    -           0947140476
Ko Than Soe Win          -           09402769943
Ma Than Than Win       -           0933821710
Ma New War                 -           0933730995
Ma Kyu                         -           09254782271


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