December 1, 2016,
The ceremony was held at Aung Mingalar Pariyatti
Monastery, Inn Lay Myaing Quarter, Meik City, Meik District in Ta Nin Thar Yee
Celebrating Dhamma literature talk show at 9 am and
preaching ceremony at 1:30 pm. Meik Ma Ba Tha senior and junior monks, patriot
persons and the audiences are attended.
The ceremony was organized
by Meik Won Thar Nu Ra Ki Ta Association and Thu Ka Mg fisherman group are
donated the ceremony. Firstly, Doctor A Shin Sopaka is deliver the speech. Secondly,
the writer was preached. After that, the writer is answering the questions from
the audiences.
There have 3 books change
the writer’s life and gave the message about them to audience and suggested
them to read.
Upgrade your life with
Upgrade your sasanar with
Upgrade with your country with reading.
Upgrade with your country with reading.