Wednesday, June 1, 2016

"Rhakhine State Dhamma Duta Journey 3"

14.5.2016, 12:00, the Dhamma ceremony of “2nd Yin Kyay Lain Mar Su Pay Pywal” celebrated at Myo Kwin Village,ThanTwal Towship.

The pupil of Ven Ein Nar Sar Ya from Ngapali Gi Taw is doing missionary in this village. Total 9 villages of Sanghas are celebrated for this ceremony.

The first time was honor by Mya Nan abbot and now the second time is honor by me. At that ceremony given one bicycle to special prize winners.

Firstly, preaching about child sermon for children about devotion, meditation and take refuge to Sangha after that preached religious sermon and doing practical meditation.


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