Meik Hti Lar, Taw Ma Village Preaching

preaching ceremony has been held by democratically because Taw Ma group
villages were decide by drawing lots and held the preaching ceremony in the
village which got luck dip. Another thing is “A Shin Nyar Na Sar Ra(Sri Lanka
Wira Thu)” the secretary of “Sri Lanka 969” attended to this ceremony while
travelling to here. So
this was an amazing preaching ceremony.
next amazing thing is the district office said because of the order from the
Prime Minister Office we need a permission for celebrating preaching ceremony
to Nay pyi Taw level. So that we have to go and enquiry to the Ministry of
Religious Office at Mandalay Division and the Prime Minister Office. Because of
that this preaching ceremony was an amazing.
Linka Wira thu preached to the audience about over thirty minutes and the
writer (me) preached to the audience about an hour. Siri Linka Wira Thu stands
with me till the end of preaching.
Before we go to preaching ceremony, we
rest for a while at Kan Thar Yar Monastery, Meki Hti La Town and knowtow to
“Mhone Pin Se Sayadaw” and then we continued to Taw Ma preaching ceremony.
“Mhone Pin Se Sayardaw” said he will
come so and meet with me so I refused his request and I went to him and meet
him for respecting. Because of the ordering letter of Prime Minister Office a
lot of patriot brothers and sisters came to this ceremony.