Sunday, June 19, 2016

Muslims Were Becoming Rudeness by Appearance of Muslims Lawyer Group (1)

Muslims Were Becoming Rudeness by Appearance of 
Muslims Lawyer Group (1)

By the appearance of Muslim lawyer group, because of their protection Muslims were being rude and doing bad things. 
They are try to create problems. The only thing we can solve this problem is identified the person who behind this.

The problem which was happened at East Khar Yoe Monastery, Nothern Shan State of LarShow City, quarter 9/region 8. In that monastery compound they built Buddha Shrine, Shin Thiwali Shrine and other Arahad shrine. So that shrines faces have been spray with red color paint and marked by name of Ye Yint Htet.

The painting rats who lived in quarter 9/ region 6 name is Ye Yint Htet (Islam religion), quarter 9/region 3 name is Moe Min (islam religion) and quarter 9/region 3 name is Min Khant Kyaw (islam religion) are being accused for doing painting on buddha images, shrines and singha images so they would face action of Pa (84/2016) in Lar Show No.2 police station that announced by General administrator of Lar Show.

This criminal case is happened on 16.6.2016 evening 4:00 pm, and the authorities take action on   17.6.2016. Because of that, the astir happened at the quarter and market place, but the authorities taking action by the law at that time, so people shouldn’t be worry for this news and rumours.

U Ain Ku (Lar Show)

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