Sunday, June 19, 2016

Burmese Girls Are Easy For Slicker Muslim Men (4)

Burmese Girls Are Easy For Slicker Muslim Men (4)

A Muslim man (who married twice) eloped the girl who failed Matriculation Examination. The case was happened in Mandalay, Chan Mya Thar Se Township, Aung Pin Lal Quarter. The girl who failed Matriculation Examination is sixteen years old and the Muslim man Zarni Aung is 23 years old.

He was officially divorced with his first wife. The second wife is run away from him because of his abuses. The girl was failed in exam, in the meantime faced with this slicker and she was felt on what that slicker man talks.

That girl family is lived in Aung Pin Lal squad (54). Beside of their house, there was new Mahar Guest House 2 is constructed, so Zarni Aung is came to work as a painter. They see each other always but never been talked. They know each other one month before the exam result coming out day. The Muslim guest house owner also said they will help for getting back the girl from Zarni Aung hand because he was eloped to the underage girl.

On the day of June (12), Zarni Aung eloped that girl with motor bike to his twin brother who lived in Aung Pin Lal SaSa/8 quarter. His twin brother is being married with Hindu girl and this Hindu girl help for the news of keeping that underage girl. Unfortunately, that Hindu girl was beated by her husband,her husband’s brother and her father-in-law.

Muslim Zarni Aung eloped the girl to his sister-in-law native town Thar Se, so the girl's parents and MABATHA group followed up to Thar Se and complained to Thar Se quarter's administrator. They are going sign for marriage to Thar Se quarter administrator but the administrator didn't accept them for being underage and different religion.

After that, on the day of 14 at night, we caught Zarni Aung to Aung Pin Lal Police Station, arrested at there. Taking action by the law of Pa-135/2016, section of an Act 363/366. The girl's family is Buddhism. When they open case at police station they are showing their ID card to the station clerk but the clerk wrote down in case form as Muslim.  But the chief police read that case and knew and found out they are Buddhism.

We are worried about for the victim because the mistake of the clerk is looks like he is plan to made the case lighter because Muslim are having problem themselves. The Hindu girl who gave the news to us had been forced to be their religion by Zarni Aung’s brother.

Now that Hindu girl went back to her native town for staying back with her parents and prepare to sue her husband. Thar Se police and Aung Pin Lal MABATHA were associate for these cases.

To Contact
Aung Pin Lal Police Station 09-258450119


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