Saturday, May 21, 2016

The preaching ceremony at Kayar State, Loi Kaw Township, Loi Lin Village.

The preaching ceremony at Kayar State, 

Loi Kaw Township, Loi Lin Village

The preaching ceremony at Kayar State, Loi Kaw Township, Loi Lin Village. The preaching ceremony is celebrated at Sasana Yaung Chi Monastery, Kayar State, Loi Kaw Township, Loi Lin Village on April 28-29 2016, 8pm organized by the youth who loving race, religion and sasana.

The first time of tripping to Kayar State. But Kayar State isn't big as you think, two main district and seven township are included in Kayar State. There have only a few Buddhism but they always celebrating preaching ceremony. First day was so many audience and second day was more than first day so the audience have to stand and watching to projector for listening sermon.

The whole state's monks, nuns and donors are coming to this preaching ceremony. The victory for Kayar MABATHA association of Second minister of Lwoi Kaw Sasana Yaung Chi Abbot Ven Kaw Nar Nya (Thathana Dhamma Sayiya Ubataw Wi Bin Ga Da Ya) and Nationalist youths are also proud by the whole Kayar State. This is my first time experience for riding a small plane.

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