Ceremony of Given Back Saving Money for
the Members of
NAGANI Money Saving Box System from Aung Thar Yar
out saving money for the members of NAGANI money saving box no 6 and celebrate
the lecture show at Ya Da Na Theik Di Monestry, Aung Thar Yar MABATHA head
quarter between 45 and 47 street, Mandalay, Chan Mya Thar Si Township on 2.3.2016,
3:00 pm.

Aung Thar Yar, NAGANI money saving box association is number
sixth of the money saving box system established by Sayartaw Wira Thu’s.
At the day of 2.1.2016, established with 50 members
and now they have 115 members. All of the members are 50,000 role. As the part of it, Sayartaw Wira Thu plan to donate
10,000,000 kyats to the each of the money saving box.