April 5,
Arrived to
He Ho airport in afternoon. Welcome by “Taung Gyi Ma Ba Tha Sayardaw Ven Pyin
Nyar Tate Khar Lankar Yar Bhivamsa, MRTV 4 Sayardaw A Shin Kis Sa Naw Bar Sa,
Dhamma Wira Sayardaw Doctor A Shin Tay Za Ni Ya, Aung Pan Ma Soe Yein Sayardaw
A Shin A Yain Na Ma, patriotic person, Taung Gyi Won Thar Nu Ra Ki Ta
Association Patron U Tun Tin and the monks.
Rested awhile
at airport and went to Taung Gyi City. Warmly welcome by the people from Taung
Gyi City, Aung Pann City and Ka Law City. Respected to Southern Shan State’s alertness
on nationalist sentiment when founded their welcoming audience. There has no
preaching ceremony in Taung Gyi Tour. Only for praising by audience.