April 1, 2017 – 8:45 PM,
3rd time
Dhamma ceremony of Chit Kyi Yay Street Families Dhamma Ra Ki Ta Offering
Association from Quarter 19, Hlaing Thar Yar Township in Yangon Division. The
writer has to preach fourth night on 5 day Dhamma ceremony. The authority is
called preaching ceremony organizer for to sign in warning letter because the
writer had been banned preaching from government. There have no big disturbance
and it is about only singing in warning letter for knowing the writer had been
banned 1 year for preaching. Rest for a while at Ko
Ta Mar’s house. The preaching starting time was late because the city was labor
city and cherished to workers who came back from their jobs. A Shin Wan Ni Ta
“Tamwe Ma Ba Tha Association Secretary” is delivered sila and rejoiced for
pouring water for the audience. It was a new experience for the audience.
Opened “Muditar Say Taw Wi Mote Ti” sermon cd and listened for over 2 hours.
The nationalist monks and forces from Yangon were came for supporting.
Nationalist Sayardaw A Shin Wan Ti Ta is preached See Thone Chat Tar Pa Dine
Thee sermon.