March 31, 2017,
2nd time Dhamma offering preachin ceremony of Arr
Sein Na Kan donors from, 53 Quarters of New Dagon City (Southern) in Yangon
Division. The ceremony was held at A Tu La Aung Zay Yone Pagoda’s compound.
Organized by Southern Dagon Township Won Thar Nu Ra Ki Tar Association.
Preaching ceremony was celebrated 5 days and writer is on 4th
night. The organizer Ko Aung had been read the book of writer and listen the
sermons of writers before writer is in prison. He tells me he had to sign
warning letter at Quarter Administration Office for known about writer is
banned from preaching and a group of bad bird from 53 Quarter was disturbed. A
group of bad bird printing vinyl with Ma Ha Na statement and writer’s photo
with cross sign and put them on the street for showing they are protesting. And
also organizing with some media for publishing news. While they give the news
source to media, they said they have 300, people’s sign for protesting, and
then 200, and then 150. But they have only 8 people’s sign. There have 2
couples in their group.
While celebrating preaching
ceremony, some women are came for disturbing. But preaching ceremony was went
well because of the peoples who protect for preaching ceremony. They also
spread out the rumors about they will attack the cars when writer go back. This
preaching ceremony was milestone of Yangon City because it can celebrated between
the difficulties.
Before preaching, rest
for a while at chapel. They were donated funds to writer and then go to the
altar. Nationalist Sayardaw A Shin Wan Ni Ta “Tamwe Ma Ba Tha Secretary”
preached giving sila and pouring water sermon. Win Ko Ko Latt from (Myanmar
National Network) is read about the biography of writer.
The sermon of the
writer is called “Ka Yu Nar Say Taw Wi Mote Ti (Freedom Ka Yu Nar Sermon)” and
is about practicing meditation. Even, junior A Shin Wan Ni Ta sermon is short,
the audience are liked the sermon. He preached “May You Know the Value of Sãsãnã”.
He try to compare
example like “when we put gold chain to dog, the dog don’t know about the value
of gold and whoever request that gold chain, the dog will give it even kalar or
Chinese or whoever”. But the people who know the values of gold chain, they
will take care their gold chain anywhere they come, go and live. The dog sermon
is going famous because of preached by junior A Shin Wan Ni Ta. And the people
also known him from Nationalist Sayardaw to the dog sermon Sayardaw. The
preaching ceremony was protected by Nationalist forces, Wan Thar Nu and
Southern Dagon Ma Ba Tha groups.
Going around and worship in Southern Dagon Township. They put
writer on altar, standing around with 4 Sa Tu Law Ka Par La spirits and going
around and worship from Ni Kal Monastery to city. The also worship with elephant
dance and nationalist singer entertained with nationalist song along the road.
This preaching ceremony was made the history because of supporting by Shwe Ya
Tu Tipitaka Maw Kyun Sayardaw “Vice President of Ma Ba Tha (Headquarter)”, the
monks and citizens.
There have people who are excited.
There have people who are crying.
There have people who are keep suppressed.
The writer was received “Itha Law Ka Dan and Anitha Law Ka Dan”
from the people who love writer and who hate writer. Civilian government and
Tape Dhamma ceremony are matching.
Wira Thu (Ma Soe Yein)
7:45 PM
7:45 PM