March 2, 2017 – 8 PM,
Honorable Dhamma ceremony to A Shin Ka
Wain Da, who graduated with Sãsãnã Daza Dammacariya Titile, was held at Pyin
Nyar Theit Par Yar Ma Monastery, Taung Pot Hla Village, Won Tho Township, Ka
Thar District in Sa Gaing Division.
lunch at Shwe Bo, Ga Nan Village. Monastery abbot A Shin Ni Ma La is a pupil of
Hi Ta Da Ya Sayardaw. Delivered doctrine to the donors because there has a
donation. After arriving to Won Tho, Taung Pot Hla Village, worshipped to Pyin
Nyar Theit Pa Sayardawgyi and donated books and journals. Preached about “Sa
Mar Di Hti” sermon with the facts of “Martyr Horse” from “Theid Na Va” story. The
villagers are liked the sermon because it was suited for them.