Friday, March 3, 2017

Muditar Place (Monthly Fund Donation)

March 1, 2017,
Daw Aye Aye Thein (Yoon Wati Gold Shop) family from Maw La Myine City is donated 300000 kyats to Sayartaw U Wira Thu for monthly fund donation. The donor Yoon Wati Gold Shop family and the audience who love race, religion and sãsãnã, May all beings be healthy, successful, happy, peaceful, safe and full of wishes.
Nationalist Sayartaw Bhaddanta Vicittar Bhi Wum Sa A Shin Wira Thu (Ma Soe Yein) is assume responsibility with heart and soul on “Law Ka A Linn Free Education School” located at Mya Yee Nandar Quarter from Chan Mya Thar Se Township in Mandalay. “NAGANI Money Saving Box Association” for the needy who live at “Aung Pin Lal, Aung Thar Yar and Za Za 3/4” Quarter from Chan Mya Thar See Township, “Ma La Kar Chan” Quarter from Mahar Aung Myal Township, “Sa” Quarter from Pyi Kyi Ta Kon Township.

And also “Myanmar Workers Rescue Association” for the children and girls who working with their without desire at different religion and alien, distributing “A Tu Ma Shi Nationalist News Journal and Mahar Wira Magazine” and other charity works.