February 17, 2017 – 8 PM,
4th special Dhamma ceremony of Friday Youth Offering
Group from Kan Thar Aye Village, In Hlyar East/West, Sint Kaing Township in
Mandalay Division.
Before preaching, rest for a while at In Hlyar West Village
Monastery. Paying respect to Sint Kaing Township Sangha Patron Chairman Abbot, “Yat/Kyay”
Sangha Patron Abbot and In Hlyar West Village Abbot and donated books to them.
Township Sangha Patron Abbot is the one who came for protecting
every night at Tha Bat Swal Village preaching ceremony. Preached about only “Sote
Tan” because we already met with the villagers once time. The sermon name is
called “The Value of Namotatsa”.