Saturday, February 18, 2017

No (2) Quarter, Thit Sar Street Family Preaching Ceremony in North Oakkalar Township

February 7, 2017,
First time Dhamma donation of No (2) Quarter, Thit Sar Street Family, North Oakkalar Township in Yangon City. Before preaching, rest for a while at the house who led preaching ceremony. The sanghas from North Oakkalar Township were attended to the preaching ceremony. Delivered the doctrine to student monks. Our ego alike tusk, poison, horn, claw must use right place whatever online or local. Do not fight each other. After deliver the doctrine, met with Daw Khin Wine Kyi (former senator at National Council) and her group. The stage was built on a road, so can see the cars are passing on other side. The sanghas, brothers and sister from Nationalist Coalition Group. Preached about The 5 defense tactics. 
“ For Race, Religion and Sãsãnã”, Must defend with literature, currency, knowledge, authority and body.


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