Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Chinese Louk Sein got stand surety from police station. On February 11 – 6 PM, Louk Sein and family came to the hospital and threatened. They used to hold and bruise Wine Sein hands, abducting and picking up Wine Sein from bed and threatened.
Her mother was afraid and can’t told nothing. Patient Wine Sein has got higher hypertension and absent-minded for a while on bed. (As shown in Video file). There have no doctor at that time. They came to hospital for insultingly.
They wants Chinese Louk Sein is escape from the case, so they came to hospital and threatened with group. On the day of February 12, Mandalay MA BA THA lawsuit attorneys went to the hospital and helped Wine Sein. Wine Sein was too afraid to speak out about true estimonies including sexual abusing and Police officers aren't questioning the truth behind them.
Now Wine Sein speaks the truth behind this incident and Chinese Louk Sein got action 376/511 by Police. Chinese family don’t have sympathy as daughter and sister and they abused the patient from hospital. This Chinese family require to take action by the law.

Wira Thu (Ma Soe Yein)
Following News
"Sexual Threatened By Chinese Man"
Her name is Wine Sein (Wine Wine), 20 years old girl who is working as housemaid from See Phyu Taung Village, Myaing Township, Magway Division. Her parents are U Tine Nyunt and Daw Eain Pyae.
Her working house is located at 86 street, between 11×12 street in Aung Myay Thar San Township, owned by U Aye Myint and Daw Mo @ Han Kyein Se.
She was tortured on February 9, 2017 around 8 pm by owner’s son Htein Linn Oo @ Louk Sein, 24 years old. They are Chinese family. 
In scene, Louk Sein is acting insinuatingly towards Wine Sein, because of that she returned to her room and closed the door. Louk Sein asked to open by beating the door. He threatened and saying 
 rude words to her and finding hammer for beating the door. He broke the door with hammer and also beaten Wine Sein with that hammer. Wine Sein is injured on arm bone and broken one rib.
Afterwards, all of family members are arrived. Wine Sein is running. House owner U Yan Saing was beaten with hammer by Louk Sein. While the old man is fall down, Wine Sein running towards outside and she was fell down at the betal shop in front of the house. Neighbours sent her to hospital and she got emergency operation at Mandalay Hospital Surgery Room (2). No one is coming to her including owners and her family didn't know anything about her. Wine Sein was treated as in-patient at Mandalay Hospital.
The case is coming to Mandalay Ma Ba Tha troupers on February 10, 2017 and went to hospital. Contacted to No (4) police station and head officer from police station came to the hospital and chief doctor from hospital also came for treatment and cared by the hospital.
Ashin Wira Thu frequently called to head of Aung Myay Thar San Township administrator but he used to reject any calls from Ashin Wira Thu. It is look like A Shin Wira Thu phone was dangerous thing for them. It seems, police advertising board “Ku Nyi Par Ya Say” has to move to Sa Har Ya Monastery. Can’t request help to Township administrator, the citizens are request assistance to Sa Har Ya Monastery, they didn’t go to police station. Maybe the cost will expensive. 
Now, Daw Thaung Thaung Myint from “Myanmar Workers Rescue Association” which was founded by Ashin Wira Thu donated 100000 kyats and bought some foods for victim. Daw Eain Pyae mother of Wine Sein also arrived to hospital.
Chinese Louk Sein was arrested. Chinese woman came for negotiation with money but Wine Sein was didn’t accept. Wine Sein was being intelligently to cover from sex intrigue by Louk Sein and she's being alert and avoided at all conditions. But she was abused with hammer by Louk Sein.
Currently, she's under care of Mandalay Ma Ba Tha troupers.
For more contacts to help.

Wira Thu (Ma Soe Yein)

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