January 27, 2017 – 10 AM,
The rejoicing sermon for Sangha Dana Offering Ceremony of Isar
Sade Di Chapel from Zee Oat Kan Kyi Kone Quarter, Patheingyi Township in
Because of place in between Zee Oat Village and Kan Kyi Kone Village,
the village was called Zee Oat Kan Kyi Kone Village.The village have five
thousand houses.
In 2012, Zee Oat Kan Kyi Kone village was being destroyed by
bulldozer. But now the village have brick building. And also built the chapel.
Celebrated preaching ceremony two times and the offering ceremony is start from
this year. Preached chapel sermon for them. Pagoda trustee also listen the
preaching. Suggested them for do not wasting the chapel and give daily work to three
kinds of age and three types of person. Came back after having lunch.