January 26, 2017 – 9 AM,
The ceremony was held at Dhamma Da Ya War So Monastery, Kan Taw
Gyi Pat Lann, Than Lat Mhaw Taung Quarter, Chan Mya Thar See Township in
Mandalay City.
A Ma Ra Pu Ra Mahar Gandar Yone Sayartawphayargyi and the
sayartaws and sanghas from Ma Soe Yein led by Pali Sayartawgyi were attended to
the ceremony. Some of the patron abbots from two Ma Soe Yein Monasteries and
writer were also attended together to the ceremony.
fund and certificates to the sanghas who passed Thar Ma Nay Kyaw Exam, Theravada
Pariyatti Sãsãnã Hi Ta Exam and Pali Pa Da Ka First Class Exam.