January 28, 2017 – 7:30 AM,
Offered meal to 2513 sanghas from New Ma Soe Yein Monastery,
Mahar Aung Myay Township in Mandalay City.
U Aung Win and Daw Khin Htay (Su Pan Htwar Company) from No (97)
Won Dar Me Yar in Yangon City dedicated Shwe Man Ma Soe Yein Sayartaw Ven Nyar
Nade Na, their parents, Peace for Myanmar and offered the meals to sanghas. At
10:30 am offered the lunch meal to Patron Abbots and Lecture Abbots at Dhamma
Ma Hade Di Monastery.
Mahar Patron Abbot Ven Kay Sa Yar Bhivamsa from New Ma Soe Yein
Monastery is preach five precepts and rejoicing sermon.