Saturday, January 14, 2017

Gang Violence by Bad Guest to Host (5)

This case was happened on January 5, 2017. There were two friends named Ko Hein and Win Naing Htun riding the bike together from the street of west side of the moat via north side. When they reached the cornor of 80×21 Street, another two bikes followed them on their way, kicked and pushed down their bike.

When Ko Hein and his mates were fallen down from their bike six men beaten them for no reason. 
There have three men on the bike, one man with knife and two men with wood stick, there were two bikes, so two men with knifes and four men with wood sticks. They are wearing black mask and beaten Ko Hein and his mate.

As In case, Ko Hein and his mate shouted help to the environment and covered from them beating, when people came out from restaurant the terrorist are running through along 80 street towards North side.
Ko Hein was lose his pinkie and his mate (Win Naing Htun) was wounded on his thump. This crime place is near with Sai Sai Restaurant and the mask guys have beards. Because Ko Hein and his mate have noticed that they only covered their face not their beard.
Ko Hein is from Mahar Aung Myay Township and his wife is Ju Ju Ma.Once his wife Ju Ju Ma and her mother Daw Khin San were seriously beaten by twelve of Muslims including males and females. Daw Khin San Win have sewn 12 hits on her head.

Anyway, these terrorists group threatened Daw Khin San Win family in hard way and soft way, four of Daw Khin San Win's children settled with them but Daw Khin San Win and Ju Ju Ma aren't settle upon them and sued them, because of that Daw Khin San Win and Ju Ju Ma bear a grudge from the Muslim group.
Last December 26, 2016, while they faced at court, two Muslim women take the photo of Ko Hein and Ju Ju Ma said by a member of Mandalay Ma Ba Tha.
File a complaint at No.5 Police Station and it's not hard to find these culprits with identities. Dear Myanmar, please take care about Ka Lar, the Muslim are family with terrorize acts and given trouble to the citizens of this country.

Wira Thu (Ma Soe Yein)



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