Monday, January 9, 2017

Gang Violence by Bad Guest to Host (4)

Her name is Ma Zar Zar Htay, 32 , father of (U Htun Min) lived at squard (195), Thinbaw Tan, Aung Myay Thar San Township in Mandalay. She has a daughter of 9 year old surviving a life like a betel seller.
A stopped motor bike in front of her house was crushed by a truck. The motor bike was owned by Ma Zar Zar Htay. The owner Ma Zar Zar Htay has angered of seeing her crushed bike and shouting out towards the truck. In the meantime Ma Zar Zar Htay was insulted by Muslim woman Ma Ei Ei Mon, she vituperate to Ma Zar Zar Htay like “Bitch, what is the cost of your motor bike, how much you want” and said rude words. So Ma Zar Zar Htay has neglected and getting inside her house because she don’t want to happened problem with Muslim.
The Muslim women are not only vituperate and objurgate but also trespass to Ma Zar Zar Htay's house and terrorized. In the meantime one of the Muslim woman name by Sandar Toe pushed the victim's chest, when the victim was fell down beating up with wood stick which is found out in the house, because of that Ma Zar Zar Htay was beaten her arm. After that, Ma Zar Zar Htay was astride on her body sticked with a knee and strangle by Muslim woman Sandar Toe.
At that time, Muslim Ei Ei Mon and other unknown one are slapped the cheeks of falling Ma Zar Zar Htay. They aren't only attacking towards victim woman but also said "we will cut off your throat". While they fighting 3 in 1 situation and Ma Zar Zar Htay got blessed by the neighbours who are noticed them and saved her life.
Ma Zar Zay Htay was helped and saved by her neighbours in time but another woman who named Daw Thida coming again to Ma Zar Zar Htay and threatened her again saying “I will kill you”. Daw Thita is the one who married to Muslim man and her also a neighbor of Ma Zar Zar Htay.
The case was happened at 5:00PM on December 24, 2016. Ma Zar Zar Htay has reported to No.5 Police Station then went for medical prescription. She came and asked for helps at Mandalay Ma Ba Tha office on December 25, 2016.
3.1.2017, Ma Ba Tha troupers took her to No.5 police station then opened the case by Police Sub Lieutenant Kyi Soe. On the day of January 4, 2017, 3 conciliator answered as witness for Ma Zar Zar Htay and on January 5, police officers researched the crime place and found out identities.
Opened the case with criminal law 451/ 323/ 294 and 506 at No (5) police station.

Just want to say to the people who want to live peacefully together, How can be peace, if we staying with them. And also want to say to the interreligious and nationalities people, Is the natives have to endure when the problems with them happen while they commit gang violence. Is the Muslim league plan for encourage fool like a child unobey to parent.

Wira Thu (Ma Soe Yein)

To Contact
No (5) Police Station


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