Sunday, December 25, 2016

Visiting to Ti Lin Abbots from Kyauk Me City

December 15, 2016 – 8 am,

Worship to Ven Lan Kar Sar Yar Bhivamsa (Paramount Patron Sayartawgyi – Ti Lin Pariyatti Monastery from Kyauk Me City in northern Shan State. The age of Sayartawgy is 84 years. And Sayartawgyi has strong feeling on nationalist. Monastery is full with 969 dictum. Donate robe, fund and other offer things to writer, ever time the writer was visited to Sayartawgyi. Sayartawgyi said he wants to donate while the writer in Aoe Bo prison. Sayartawgyi induce to succeed and to accomplish for the Mandalay Ma Haw Tha Dar School. Sayartawgyi will be donate 10000000 kyats to Mandalay Ma Haw Tha Dar School on his 84th year birthday. And also warning take care for writer’s security. Because of worshipping to a nationalist Sayartawgyi who has karuna and metta, the writer feels the power of physically and mentally. May Sayartawgyi long live over to hundred years without suffering disease.  
