ownership argument problem for the land at “Myo Thit (1) Quarter, Oo Pain (19),
No (Ma-9 areas) 0.3443 acre from Chan Mya Thar Se Township in Mandalay. Ma
Ohanmar Thein, a daughter of Daw Ohme (Myanmar/Buddha) is got winning degree in
this case. They have the grant by their name. U Aung Hla Win is a (former Grant
Owner) and sold to Daw Ohme and daughter.
this case, Chinese man Myo Myint Aung frequently threaten to the women and
drive them out with his group of Chinese by force and violence. Even police and
administrator were on the group. Sometimes, they frequently came along with
police and administrator.
man Myo Myint Aung was also an owner of the land but he has bought the land
from Daw Kyi Myaing (crook) not from the real owner U Aung Hla Win so he was
failed in this case and he can't show the land-grant and also the other real
ownership attest on his hand.
victim Ma Ohanmar Thein (Myanmar/Buddha) and women finds helps towards Mandalay
Ma Ba Tha Association because Chinese man Myo Myint Thein and group taking the
force from police and quarter administrator abuse them. Only two floor building
existed in the land that's Ma Ohanmar Thein family lived in. So Ma Ohanmar
Thein family afraid of their security and built brick walls on the land.
Because of that Chinese man Myo Myint Aung reported and the order letter from
Mandalay City Development Committee is coming out.
Mandalay City Development Committee has made order letter to Ma Ohanmar Thein
family for breaking their brick walls on 16.12.2016. Mandalay Ma Ba Tha
accepted that case as nationalist affair because Ma Ohanmar Thein is not happen
problem with same race and religion, they have the problem with Chinese.
if they retry to threat Ma Ohmar Thein family, only Chinese man Myo Myint Aung
and regional government have responsible for this case and Mandalay Ma Ba Tha
will not afford to step backwards.
Wira Thu – Ma Soe Yein
8:14 PM
8:14 PM
For Enquiry
Lawyer U Zaw Win