Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Offering Ceremony of New Ma Soe Yein Monastery

December 18, 2016, 7:30 am, 
The ceremony was celebrated at New Ma Soe Yein’s Dhamma Ma Hade Di Monastery.
The parton abbots from two Ma Soe Yein Monasteries and Mahar Patron Sayartawgyi Bhadda Pa Du Mar Bhivamsa (Agga Bi Da Za) were attended to the ceremony. And the monasteries donors, robe and meal donors, Mandalay division parliament chairman U Aung Kyaw Oo and his fellows and Mandalay division minister Doctor Zaw Myint Maung were also attended.
Mahar Patron Sayartaw Ven Var Say Htar Bhivamsa and Ven Iain Na Kar Lan Kar Yar Bhivamsa from New Ma Soe Yein Monastery preached the rejoicing sermon. Over a thousand sanghas who attended to the ceremony recited in chorus Matta Sutta sermon for the donors.
After that, the donors are kneel down and donated meal to sanghas. At 11 am, offered meals to lecture sayartaws, patron abbots and Mahar patron abbots. The donors are Theravada Chinese monk Suu Mi Htot and his fellows. Offered the vegetarian meals and donated 5000000 kyats as money foundation. A Tibet Buddhism woman donated 1000 American Dollar to the donors while they visiting pagoda and meet on Mandalay Hill.
Donating 10000 kyats, purified water, medicine, robe and meal to the sanghas. They donated to over 3000 sanghas, 2500 sanghas are from New Ma Soe Yein Monastery and remain sanghas are from other monasteries. Donate to sanghas as manay as you can for now because in the next 10 years can’t offered to the sanghas like this amount in one place.


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