Friday, December 9, 2016

Donation for Maw Haw Tha Dar High School

November 29, 2016,
U Aung San and Daw Pu family from Sat Mhuu Zone (1), Pyi Kyi Ta Kon Township, Mandalay donated 100000 kyats to build Ma Haw Tha Dar Free Education School in Mandalay.
U Myo Myint and Daw Sandar Myo family donated 100000 kyats. U Kyi Lwin and Daw Swe Swe Kyi from A Ma Ra Pu Ra Township donated 100000 kyats. Ma Ye Ye Mot donated 100000 kyats and Ma Htwe Htwe also donated 100000 kyats.
The donor family and the audience who rejoice for their donation, May all beings be healthy, successful, happy, peaceful, safe and full of wishes.
