Thursday, November 17, 2016

Education Aid Require For Rakhine People

Because of violent attacked on October 9, the schools were closed in Rakhine State. Even the schools are open back in present time, there have many schools the teachers can’t come. So the local peoples invited the teachers from nearby and supported education for the children.
And so, the students from Nan Yar Kine Village in Northern Maung Daw are facing with war disaster, difficult road communication and need to walk far distance to school. They can’t go to school for long time because of the danger situation, need to spend many times and tired.
Therefore many helps require because of the arranging two motor boat for the students from Nan Yar Kine Village for going to school cleanly, supporting to volunteer teachers and inviting the teachers for the students from Maung Daw, Rakhine State. If you want to donate education aid for the Rakhine people, please contact to following numbers.

U Pyin Nyar Da Za  -  09 795 562 969
U Key Main Na        -  09 777 713 477


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