Parami Pyo Khin Blood Donation Association’s 15th
blood donation ceremony will be held at Sone Ywar-Kwae Gyi Village, Myin Chan
Township in Mandalay Division. Parami Pyi Khin Blood Donation Association is
found by Ven Vicitta Bhiwansa A Shin Wira Thu (Ma Soe Yein) from New Ma Soe
Yein compound, Dhamma Tha Har Ya Monastery’s parton sayartaw from Mahar Aung
Myal Township in Mandalay.
Vitamins, Buddhist sermon book and
Sayartaw U Wira Thu’s preaching cd are donated as the gifts to the blood
donors. After ceremony, Sayartaw U Wira Thu will be preached rejoicing sermon
pouring water sermon “Dar Na U Pa Parami” to blood donors for various merit.
The robe donor are Ko Kyaw Moe and Ma Thin Kyine family, Sone Ywar. Meals
donors are U Kan Shi and Daw Gyan Sein family, Sone Ywar.
Date - 12-3-2016 (Saturday)
Time - 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Place - Ywar Oo Monsastery, Sone Ywar, Myin Chan Township
To Contact
Dhamma School (Chairman)
U Zar Ga Ya
U Gam Na Mar