Friday, September 9, 2016

Award Giving Ceremony

Award Giving Ceremony

20.7.2016 – 6 pm, celebrated award giving ceremony at Dhamma Tha Har Ya Monastery for the Monks who pass the Dhamma Exam. 

At first, Dhamma Tha Har Ya Monastery student’s monks are worship with “Aww War Da Kan Taut Choe”. 

Writer is giving prize to each of 27 winner monks. 19 Monks from Dhamma Tha Har Ya Monastery, 6 monks are successfully pass the exam with special and 2 monks from NAGANI troupers.

Beginner leve for 30000 kyats.
Middle level for 35000 kyats.
High level for 50000 kyats.
1 thesis pass for 50000 kyats.
Finished thesis for 100000 kyats.

2 NAGANI troupers’ monks are passed 1 thesis, so that they got each of 50000 kyats. The 6 monks who successfully passed the exam with special pass, they awarded 300000 kyats for each. And Agga Ma Har Kyaw monks is awarded 400000 kyats.

Shwe Man May family and Daw Tin Hla family are donated funds for monks. The writer is donated 2845000 kyats and 27 robes set and "The one with the whole world" 27 books.

After award giving ceremony, the 6 monks who successfully passed with special pass are shared their life experiences and encourage to other student monks.


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