The Bully Case by Muslim Group
name is Daw Khin San Win, 53 years old. She lives in west of cow abattoir, Pal
Kyin quarter, west Than Lyat Mhaw of Mahar AungMyay Township in Mandalay. She
was working as a pig intestine handler from pig abattoir. Her husband died 8
years ago.

Daw Khin San Win won the first place of money saving system, so she can take
out money as a first winner because of that she can gave golden chain and money
to her son as a wedding gift. Later, she can’t pay daily money to that money
saving system, so she said to her son for paying daily money to that money
saving system. Must pay 75000 kyats for 10 days to that money saving system.
One day, Chan Aye and his wife are quarrel for money case and Chan Aye came
back to his mother home. So his wife followed to him for returning doubts (the
daily money paying for money saving system).
Aye’s wife said rude words to his mother, “are you called back your husband and
staying together?” “Your husband said he will gave back the money so I coming
to get it”. Not only saying rude words to Chan Aye mother but also to his
sister. While they are quarrel 7 Muslim women and 4 Muslim men came to their
house and beat up them.

They drag Daw Khin San Win’s daughter so her earrings be detached and another
daughter Du Du Ma Lay was being attack in her eyes. And then they run into neighbor’s
house, the Muslim group is also following up
to them and intimidate shout loud to neighbors, they threw many bricks to neighbors
This violence was happed on 1.6.2016, 3:30pm. Burmese
family was lived in west of cow abattior and group of Muslims are lived in
north of cow abattior. The group of Muslims are destroying everything in Daw
Khin San Win's house included Buddhist high alter. Daw Khin San Win had serious
suffers so she went to the clinic. After that they went to the No.7 Police
Station at 8:00 pm.
The group of Muslims are on point going to
police station at 7:00 pm and they started complaint to Daw Khin San Win's
family. Muslim woman Sandar Moe was lied for broking arm for complaint. After
their complaint up them, Chan Aye, Chan Lay and Phoe Aye were arrested by
police then police said that they need to find guarantee. When they have ten
person for guarantee, police release them.
Khin San Win family is also complaint to the group of Muslims too, so police investigate
them and gave them guarantee and release them. They said one night in the
same police station, the police investigate them separately.
On the next day, Sandar Moe tied up her arm with
bandage and walked around quarter. Later, Sandar Moe’s and her colleagues fight
each other, because of that we knew Sandar moe's arm is not broken. She is
using her arm very well while arguing their selves.
Daw Khin San Win have to sew 12 hits for her
head and the whole body was pain for stab by broom-stick. By the Muslims group complaint, Chan Aye,
Chan Lay and Phoe Aye were received action of (Pa) 198/2016 and section of an
Act 325/427/506 and 114 actions. By Daw Khin San Win's complaint, the Muslims group
also received actions of section of an Act 325/427/294 and 114.
The Muslims group should be take action by the law of trespassing like section
of an Act 452 seriously related. They destroyed Buddhist high
alter but they didn't take action by the section of an Act 295 (KA).
They have purpose for
destroying Buddhist high alter.

Muslim woman Soe Htike is want to reunion
with his husband by showing off their three years old child. But Chan Aye also
neglects for reunion why is not agree of swapping mother with dirty wife. Chan Aye is married to Islam woman but he not
try to be an Islam, he's still Buddhism.
happening this violence, over 1 hour later, around 5:00 pm, Muslim man name by Nga
Pain is intimidate to whole of quarter with sword and threatened “if anyone following
up to Daw Khin San Win's family, I'll kill you.”
He also threatened infront of Daw Khin San Win's house.
Muslim Nga Pain was in jail
by murdering. So everyone is afraid to him that no one is followed as Daw Khin
San Win's witness. The Muslim group said they will gave 100000 kyats who can
followed to them for lawsuit by their side. Some people take that money and
some people who already take that money were gave them back.
Bully by Muslim
group happening in every places.
Myanmar and
also the whole world.
Golden Myanmar
must take care on Muslim.
Just want to
know to the people who requesting “Peacefully and Staying Together”.
Are we staying
together with these kind of people?
No. (7) Police