Saturday, June 25, 2016

Rape Case Happen, When There Was A Muslim (15)

Rape Case Happen, When There Was A Muslim (15)

The violence was appeared on the day of June (16) at Apouk Wa village of Rinda quarter in Kyauk Taw Township, Rhakhine state. The girl who is U Aung Hla Zan's daughter name is Ma Cho Cho was tried to rape by Bengali Muslim man Zaw Kalia.

He was embraced the girl plan to rape her and taking her ring. This violence was appeared on June 16 and arrested that guy on June 18, 4:30 pm at Pike Thel Yat, Bengali village.

Kyauk Taw MABATHA and Myouk Oo MABATHA were corporation for protecting and helping to victim.  
Photos are send by Myouk Oo MABATHA.

Wirathu (Ma Soe Yein)
1:43 PM

The day on June (16)/2016 in Apauk Wa village, Kyauk Taw Township in Rakhine State, Myanmar.

A Bengali Muslim tried to rape Rakhine ethnic virgin girl but regional lumberjack did help this girl so, fortunately she was escaped of the Bengali Muslim raping plan.

Process of an event are following below.

The victim girl's family had relocated from Pyane Chaung village to Apauk Wa village, not so long. While the girl was going to near the forest, a Bengali Muslim man embraced her and try to rape her.

Ma Cho Cho was also tried to escape so she shoud out loud for help, so nearby lumberjack man heard her screaming and he went there, when the lumberjack man arrived at there the Bengali man pushed down the girl and run away. So Apauk Wa Police Station arrested that Bengali Muslim man on June 18.

Moreover, native of Rakhine people are always being suffered problems from Bengalis' but the Rakhine people are too weak for making like those news to Media. So, the International Media did not know the news like that. Only the news from Bengali’s side arrived forward to International Media.

Rhakhine State's migrant binghalis are started doing problems to regional Rhakhine ethnics but noone knew all of this and that Rhakhine's revenge will happened, these international associations becomes talk about human rights over Myanmar government and Rhakhine State government.

Human rights groups are stand for the Bengali side and they are saying that Bengali are being suffered Human Rights violation. But they never say Human Rights word to native Rakhine people. who was suffered form out of human rights like they talked about but for native ethnics, there're to sad that they didn't receive any of protects for human rights.

So let's talk about this, if illegal immigrant came into yours’s country, kill yours’s country citizen and taking yours’s country, how will you feel that in your mind?

The immigrants from Bangladesh were also trying to do like that in Myanmar’s west region, Rakhine State. They were doing silent invasion over Rakhine State and them already taking the places like Bu Thee Taung, Maung Taw and Yathe Taung. They are always doing related problems to native Rakhine people.

So that we tried to tell about the Rakhine ethnic’s people live with struggles for a long time without Human Rights on Rakhine Land. And upload this news to Social Media Network (Facebook) for everyone can read this news.

This violence news was interviewed and recoreded video by Rakhine language. The victim girl's photos and Bengali Muslim man’s photos are tagged with this news.

Credit To  Tun Aun Zen. The video file can watch on original link follow below.


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