Celebrating Lecture Show and Paying Back
Saving Money to
MALAKARCHAN NAGANI Money Saving Box Association
1.6.2016, 2:00 pm,
Celebrated at Pyi Lone Annt Chapel, Malakarchan Quarter, Maharaungmyal
Township, Mandalay Region.
Ashin Zawana (Patron), Ashin Nyar Ni Tha
Ya (Officer In Charge for Lecture), Daw Kyi Kyi Mar (Chairman) and Daw Kyin
Kyin Myaing (secretary) were attended to this ceremony and deliver speech by Ashin
Nyar Ni Tha Ya and Daw Kyin Kyin Myaing.
After that, 45 members were
received 150000 kyats for each person, 39 members were received r 100000 kyats
for each person and, 30 members were received 50000 kyats for each person.
Abbot Wira Thu was plan to donate
10000000 kyats for each of money saving box club as he purposed.
The lending system of NAGANI money
saving box association is 5% deposit for the 50000 kyats. Must save 1000 kyats
per day and within the
percentage of 5%, 2% is used for the member’s medical treatment and 3% is used for adding new
members and more lending. The profit money is using back on the current money
saving box and not using on other saving money box.
(Wira Kay
Mein – Reporter of NAGANI money saving box)