Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I’d been Chin State

"I’d been Chin State"

On the day of 11.4.2016, 1:00pm we're arrived to the Kan pat lat Town, Chin State. We have purpose to celebrate for the opening ceremony of Nat Ma Taung Ministry Monastery which was established by Hitadaya abbot and novitiate ceremony.

The monastery was donated by Yoon Wadi Gold Shop from Maw La Myine and the nationalists from Chin, Ka Chin, Shan States and also Yangon, Mandalay, Sa Gaine and Ma Gway attended to that ceremony. Doing meditation camp for adults in Thin Gyan period and Yin Kyay Lain Mar camp for children.

We also had been to the second highest mountain in Myanmar named Nat Ma Taung (victoria). There're too much hot in flat land but so cold on the mountains of Chin State. I can't ignore for what my brotherhood monk Hitadaya's tried hard for carrying Buddha Image to the top of the mountain.

We were came back on 12.4.2016 after having breakfast. Now I’d been the place where i had never been.In Kan Palat, there's one Muslim who lived there and married with Chin woman. So Chin woman is becoming favorite of cut-throat meals. Peace will ever be with Chin State.


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