Thursday, April 28, 2016

We Don’t Want Fake Ethnic

"We Don’t Want Fake Ethnic”

Today's on 28.4.2016, 1:00pm, I wrote a speech for protesting at front of U.S Embassy (Yangon).
I was arrived in Loi Kaw so I couldn’t deliver that speech but my pupil who named ThuSateTa(Wira Myo Set) can take action over his master for getting honor, so the nationalists are loved and 420 were afraid to this message what I wrote.

"We termed the U.S authorities to 420 authorities"

The U.S authorities should know how you can bullied to Myanmar authorities isn't effected to Myanmar citizens. So the U.S authorities should gentle on Myanmar. Do not interfere to our country’s affairs. Observe on Myanmar’s history. Don’t trust on lied documents. Keep analyst on Bangali ethnic. They are not deserve as any native or citizen. Let me say to the U.S authorities, using the fake ethnic term is insulting to Myanmar’s citizens and we don’t accept for that.
So, stop using fake ethnic name immediately.
For the sake of yours usage. We can’t accept any ways of destroying our country.
If you want to see our country peacefully, you should bury using the fake ethnic term.
You shouldn't act like compassionate or kindness and do not plan for selling our country.
Because of Clinton government, Kosovo country was fall down into Muslim hand. One of the Christian country is disappeared from the world map and because of that Clinton government, EU and UN are becoming historic culprit.
Do not try to make another new crime.
Supporting 420 usage is the same with 420 level so that if the U.S authorities are still using the fake term, we must name the U.S authorities to 420 authorities.

Are you agree with me audience?
Are you agree?
Are you agree?
American government is what kind of government? 420 government.
American government is what kind of government? 420 government.
American government is what kind of government? 420 government.
American Embassy is what kind of Embassy? 420 Embassy.
American Embassy is what kind of Embassy? 420 Embassy.
American Embassy is what kind of Embassy? 420 Embassy.
Ms.Yanhelee also 420.
Ms.Yanhelee also 420.
Ms.Yanhelee also 420.
Ban Ki Moon also 420.
Ban Ki Moon also 420.
Ban Ki Moon also 420.
The supporter who supporting 420 name is also 420.
The supporter who supporting 420 name is also 420.
The supporter who supporting 420 name is also 420.

Wirathu (Ma Soe Yein)
New Ma Soe Yein Monastery (Mandalay)


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