Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Rescued the children from the Muslim’s Trap

“Rescued the children from the Muslim’s Trap”

The children were rescued, who are working at Muslim houses and shops at Southern Shan State, Kolan Township, Mamomlaung Village, Konepaung Village. They are Taoang, Taaung and Palaung ethnic children.

Child workers from Muslim women houses are poorly paid but well of living and eating. There’s no flirting to their religion and sexual abused at Muslim women houses. 2 adult’s girls are full of shame and they don’t want to answer about the questions and said only a few words like “don’t want to answer”.

Most of the children are poor paid but they are not being torture. There are some oddity of three children and they are not only abused and tortured but also cut out money from salaries. But one of the eight years old girl is not get salary for a year. Her brother working a few days at Muslim shop and run away from there because of unfair cruel. When Muslim people try to call him back the boy is running away, so they taking the eight years old girls and they said her brother is steal TV from them.

Eight years old girl didn’t get salary for one year because they cut out salary for TV charges. Started to pay is 5000 kyats. Now she is twelve years old and get salary 10000 kyats per a month. Kholan town is much of Muslim population instead of native ethnic so securities are accompanied to over Kholan town because of Muslim terrorist danger.

Kholan Sayartaw Ashin Pan Ni Sa given this information and request help to Man MABATHA Sayartaw Ashin Tey Hit La. Joined with TaungGyi MABATHA and discussed with their parents. All of parents won’t let go their children who are working under Muslims but they afraid of them. If their children’s are backed, groups of Muslims are coming to take them back so now they are very happy because of monks’ help.

Coordinated with local authority and bringing back them with no doubt. The cost of feeding them is around 100000 kyats. On the day of 5.2.2016, around 12:00 pm at night, reached Taung-Gyi Thain-Taung Monastery. U Than from Taung Gyi donated transportation charges. At the morning, children are playing happily well.

Children are very lucky because they can achieved jobs, helps, donation and supporting from the the people who lived in Taung-Gyi town. When supplying pocket money 5000 kyats to 26 children and 30000 kyats for their parents. U Than Shwe from Taung-Gyi also donated the same amount as me. And then visiting to pagodas with children.

As they know what things monks are helping, another parents from the village coming to us and ceded their 18 children for take care. As the wishes of the children were employed their desired work. The children who have to attend the school were send to the school of Monastery Education at Aung Pan, Taung Gyi and Mandalay.

We were founded “Myanmar Workers Rescue Association” for helping any ethnic children who were undesired working, at Muslims or Chinese shops and houses. 

Anybody can contact to this number 09777835969, 09798725996 ask for “Myanmar Workers Rescue Association’s help.
