Thinganggyun Township
Panyitelan Street Preaching Ceremony
On the day of 25.1.2016 at 8:00 pmm the
first time Dhamma ceremony of race, religion protection and victory celebration
of offer provisions and articles to monks at Yangon, Thinganggyun Township, C/A
quarter, Panyitelan street.
A remarkable preaching ceremony because
this is the first time preaching ceremony of the organizers from this ceremony
and they were donated 10 million kyats to me at 2012 Hmaw Bi conference.
The new agency called U.S.A Human come
to interview. Major Thet Swe and Ya Min Ko Ko also come. Because of the first time audiences were
so crowded. USA Human media even surprised and taking news until end of the
ceremony. A local Muslim from come together with them.
I am respect to audiences because there
was raining while preaching but the audiences are still listen in the rain. The sermon name called “Ta
Pin Tine Nan Daw” based on the story of “Baad Da Thar La”. I was announced I will keep
going for Nationalism in the time of any time, any age, and any government.
I was preached this slogan.
Party is temporary.
Nationalism is forever.
Government is temporary.
Citizen is forever.
The authority of the country
will transfer from the hand of rough persons to savages. When I say this called
change a big sound of clapping hands come out from the crowd. We already learned the taste of rough
persons and people will also learn from savages. A big sound of clapping hands
come out again and this is the clapping sound ceremony of Panyitelan street.