Thursday, February 18, 2016

Speech at ThitSaWaiDaGu Dhamma School Teachers Gathering Ceremony

"Speech at ThitSaWaiDaGu Dhamma School Teachers Gathering Ceremony"

The gathering ceremony of ThitSaWaiDaGuu Moekoke Wipatthanar Magyin avenue at Mandalay Region, Pathein Gyi Township, Waterfall Mountain on the day of 31.1.2016, 8:30 am. The writer said about philanthropic and cultural.

Declamated with stories and example about the summarize of philanthropic is Parami Sel Par, Sont Chin Kyi Ngar Par, Sa Yi Ya Thone Par and the way of Buddha is a real philanthropic way.

Such as Mother Teresa, George Washington carver, Bugatti Washington and etc. Who are altruism and nationalistic. And then showing 6 mins true story of Thidar Htwe which named “ The Black Day “ and shared with smart phones.

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